neck center

Neck pain treatment: What Are the Different ways to deal with neck arthritis?

Cervical spondylosis defines the condition when there is wear and tear in your neck which is also known as neck arthritis. Your neck supports your head and provides protection to the spinal cord. As the disks in the lower back, the disk in the neck is a natural shock absorber in your spine. It sits between the bones of your spine and provides cushioning while also connecting one bone to the other. Think of the disk as a tire with a rubbery outside layer outside called the annulus fibrosis, and filled with a gelatinous-like substance called the nucleus pulposus. If you are suffering from neck arthritis, visit Neck Center immediately.

With wear and tear, the joints in the neck can wear out. Bone spurs occur as the body attempts to stop this rough motion. Sometimes, bone spurs can cause a tightening or pinching around the nerves as they leave the spinal cord. When this tightening occurs, it can affect the entire spinal cord, resulting in a loss of nerve function that can result in numbness, tingling, weakness, and loss of reflexes. In the worst cases, your bowel and bladder function can be affected as well as your ability to walk. Such types of conditions need medical attention at Neck Center Nj.

Nonsurgical treatments for cervical spondylosis include:

  1. Exercise: Exercises can be done to strengthen your neck muscles. It is important to have a good understanding of the biomechanics of the neck so that you learn appropriate posture and how to move the neck appropriately when performing the activities of daily living. A physical therapist can be very helpful in teaching you about the biomechanics of the spine and in showing you the correct way to perform exercises to strengthen your neck muscles. With good strength and proper biomechanics, you can decrease the amount of pressure on the nerves in your neck. If you don’t achieve what you desired, visit Neck Center New Jersey.
  2. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Some of these medications, such as ibuprofen, can be purchased over the counter. They also can be given with a prescription from your doctor. The purpose of anti-inflammatory medication is to reduce pain and swelling. When they are given an appropriate exercise program, anti-inflammatory medications can significantly relieve neck pain. There are over 30 different anti-inflammatory medications, and people may react differently to each medication. Additionally, you have to be careful when you take anti-inflammatory medications because they can cause stomach problems, so, it is important to discuss these with your physician before you try them. Most of these medications cannot be taken when you are on blood thinners, and these medications can affect the blood pressure of some people with high blood pressure. People with kidney problems usually cannot take these medications.

Always discuss all of your medications with your physician. This includes medications you are taking over the counter and prescriptions from other doctors.

  1. Steroids: Oral steroids or an injection of a steroid around the nerves when the nerves are being squeezed may provide relief. When combined with therapy, this improvement can often be nearly permanent.
  2. Surgery: When all conservative efforts have failed, surgery may be recommended if the nerves are showing evidence of increasing damage or if the pain is intolerable. After surgery, additional exercises to strengthen the neck muscle are given as well as instruction on how to protect your neck.

Before practicing any exercise program for your neck, consult it with your physician.

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